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What is LED Light Therapy?

Led es la abreviatura de terapia con diodos emisores de luz y también se conoce comúnmente como fototerapia o terapia de luz de bajo nivel mediante la cual se aplican longitudes de onda específicas de energía luminosa al tejido con el fin de mejorar ciertas afecciones de la piel, la caída del cabello y, en algunos casos, facilitar el alivio del dolor. .

La terapia con luz LED puede rejuvenecer drásticamente su piel sin tiempo de inactividad ni molestias. Este tratamiento ayuda a revertir años de daño solar, daño ambiental, envejecimiento, acné y cicatrices del acné.

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Red Light Therapy

Red light is able to penetrate deeper into the skin than blue light can and as such, is able to boost blood flow that in turn increases the production of collagen and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) thereby enhancing the skin’s tone and texture.

As the skin cells begin to regenerate faster, fine lines and wrinkles are either drastically reduced or reversed altogether revealing a more youthful and vibrant look.

Blue Light Therapy

This light therapy is better known for its penetration of the pores to either reduce or eliminate bacteria that promote excessive oil production and blemishes.

Blue light therapy is also ideal for many different skin conditions such as rosacea and sun damage.


The main difference between the two light therapies is that they are at different wavelengths. Blue light penetrates a little more superficially at the pore level to eliminate bacteria.

Whereas red light targets the surface level of the skin increasing collagen production and drastically reducing inflammation.

LED Light Therapy

Both of these LED light therapies offer clinical strength skincare treatments that are produced via different wavelengths of light such as red, blue and infrared.  At Age to Perfection, your aesthetician will decide the best combination of treatments for you!

What to Expect at Your LED Light Therapy Appointment

When you visit Age To Perfection in Coral Springs, this non-invasive, relaxing treatment begins with a skin cleanse to remove any oils or makeup. You'll then recline comfortably as the LED light panel is positioned over your face. Depending on your needs, different light wavelengths will target acne, redness, or aging concerns. The treatment is painless and requires no downtime—just a radiant, refreshed glow.

If you have any questions regarding our treatments, don't hesitate to give us a call at (954) 342-8000

Our clients love age to perfection